Thursday, October 15, 2009

Monter et descendre

We climbed mountains today.

Walking up Monte Solaro in Anacapri in the early morning was easy, it was going down on the other side, through Il Passetiello towards Capri that presented some difficulties.

I could have used some gotes hooves when descending the Passo del Passetielo. I kept thinking to myself, I should continue, it can't be that bad, people have walked here for thousands of years.

Well, it was bad and I may not be able to move out of bed tomorrow.

The problem with us 40somethings is we don't understand we're not young anymore.

I love it!


There is another lookout spot some 100 meters from the Belvedere. Here you can see Capri's famous Faraglioni on the southeast corner of the island.

The Lighthouse at Punto di Carena

Belvedere di Migliera

Dwarfs and Gnomes

At the far end of La Migliera, only a few hundred meters before the Belvedere, there is a curious open-air-installation - il parco filosofico, Capri Philosophical Park - an outdoor exhibition displaying handpainted quotes on tiles from the foremost western world philosophers of all times. The park, initiated and run by Swedish philosopher Gunnar Adler-Karlsson (sorry link only in Swedish and - Portuguese!) is not so attractive I'm afraid, it could use some looking after.

The image above is not from the philosophical park, I just wish it was.

However, this group of Snow White and the dwarfs are also found right next to La Milgiera.


La Migliera runs where the ancient Roman road went, from Capodimonte, where ”our dear home” San Michele is, and the Phoenician stairway ends (or starts, depending on where you begin. By the way, Phoenician is not correct, the Greeks or the Romans built it).

Walking towards Belvedere, in love, at dusk, is ideal for romantic sunsets in front of you, views of Ischia to your right.

Mille grazie

A good start to get to know Anacapri is to walk the narrow pathway - La Migliera - leading all the way from the town square, right where the chair lift starts, to a magnificent viewpoint, Belvedere di Migliera, from where you can see the lighthouse, il faro, at Punta Carena, the southwestern tip of the island.